15 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Kontrol dan Audit Sistem Informasi pada Organisasi

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    Information system auditing is a function that has been developed to assess whether computer systems safeguard assets, maintain data integrity, and allow the goals of an organization to be achived effectively and efficiently. As a result, the need to maintain the integrity data processed by computers now seems to pervade our lives. We have concerns about the privacy of data we exchange with organizations such as tax department and credit granting institutions. Information systems auditing is the process of collecting and evaluating evidence to determine whether a computer system safeguards assets, maintains data integrity, allows organizational goals to be achieved effectively, and uses resources efficiently. This paper will explain about how to conduct information system audit in organization and some risk that might happen during an information system audit

    Executive Information System and Data Warehouse

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    Hal terpenting dalam suatu data warehouse adalah bahwa data warehouse tersebut dapat memuat semua informasi bisnis yang diperlukan oleh para penggunanya dengan akses yang cepat dan dapat diintegrasikan secara mudah dengan sistem yang lainnya. Sebelum merencanakan pembuatan suatu data warehouse, maka akan sangat diperlukan suatu konsep yang tepat dalam pembuatannya. Konsep tersebut akan memuat banyak hal, diantaranya adalah: operasionalisasi database, para pengguna, proses koneksinya, metadata, dan lain sebagainya. Adapun executive information system (EIS) sendiri adalah suatu sistem informasi yang berdasarkan pada penggunaan data warehouse sebagai landasan dasar untuk sistem informasi manajerialnya. EIS ini sendiri dalam prakteknya sangat membantu pihak manajemen tingkat atas dalam penganalisaan data melalui pengaksesan data warehouse

    Sistem Informasi Toko X Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Untuk Rekomendasi Supplier

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    X is a trading companies. Technological developments now make the information system needed by each company in order to compete with other trading companies. Choose the best supplier is not easy, therefore x store need information systems to help the owner to make desicion for procure material using Decision Support System using Analytical Hierarchy Process method for selecting the best suppliers and also implement information system of sales, purchasing, and accounting. Analytical Hierarchy Process is used to determine the best suppliers in terms of quality, delivery time, and price. By doing so, administrators can easily manage data sales, purchasing, accounting, and supplier selection

    Sistem Informasi Pemilihan Mobil Bekas Menggunakan Decision Support System Analytical Hierarchy Process Pada Showroom Yokima Motor Bandung

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    Sistem Infomasi Pemilihan Mobil Bekas Menggunakan Decision Support System Analytical Hierarchy Process Pada Yokima Motor Bandun

    Aplikasi Peramalan Stok Barang Menggunakan Metode Double Exponential Smoothing

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    Many businesses are already computerized in data processing today, Therefore Electrical Stores Aryono King makes an information system to facilitate their business. A PHP-basedapplication for programming language and MySQL for data storage. This application can make the sales process, purchasing, supply, and make financial report. The advantage of this application can doing forecasting future stock preparation based on the sale of items before, using a methods of Double Exponential Smoothing. With this information system isexpected to help electrical shop to be more efficient in terms of data processing and effective in providing stock of goods each month